Eyoder Our Partners Institutions/Organizations we are members of: DGGN (Danish Green Growth Network) Global ESCO Network SEDEFED (Federation of Sectoral Associations) TOBB / Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Türkiye / Climate Control Council Türkiye İMSAD (Association of Construction Material Producers) TÜRKONFED (Confederation of Turkish Enterprise and Business World) Sectoral collaborations: ÇEDBİK (Environmental Friendly Green Building Association) DOSİDER (Association of the Heating Appliances Industry and Business People) ENSİA (Energy Industrialists and Businesspeople Association) ENVER (Energy Efficiency Association) İSKAV (Heating Cooling Air Conditioning Research and Education Foundation) MÜKAD (Engineer and Architect Women Association) SEPEV (Zero Energy and Passive House Association) TTMD (Turkish Society of HVAC and Sanitary Engineers)